
Cosa dicono di noi...

  • Ricordi di Toscana

    Amore a prima vista con le sue foto... soprattutto quelle in bianco e nero! Oltre alle stupende foto il proprietario è veramente molto gentile, addirittura mi ha dato consigli su come scattare e modificare le mie foto da turista. Consiglio a tutti!
    Jettadvisor, Italia
  • Sempre un piacere

    Veniamo da tanti anni in toscana e ogni volta devo comprare delle bellissime fotografie a la bottega di Duccio.Lui e un grande !!!!!!
    Sugar1966, Hainburg Germania
  • Un "bosco fotografico" in centro a San Gimignano

    Ero in centro a San Gimignano per scattare qualche foto, ma la piazza era affollata. Il mio fidanzato osserva le botteghe e mi tira la mano, accompagnandomi verso "La Bottega del Sale"... Entrando, ho avuto la stessa sensazione di camminare in mezzo al bosco. Il mondo caotico fuori e noi dentro quel piccolo spazio... mi sono subito persa negli scatti di questo fotografo ed è stato come fare un viaggio... Duccio e sua moglie sono due persone squisite... A chiunque leggerà questo post, appassionati di foto e non, consiglio di fare una tappa a questa bottega di San Gimignano e per qualche minuto lasciarsi rapire dagli scatti di Duccio. Grazie.
    Marika MG D
  • bellissime stampe

    La mia compagna ed io siamo tornati a San Gimignano anche per poter acquistare delle altre bellissime stampe di questa bottega fotografica.. Paesaggi della Toscana incantevoli e senza tempo. Prezzi buoni e sempre tanta cortesia. Consigliato farci un giro essendo nella piazza principale della città.
    Willy0077, Pavia Italia
  • Poesia pura

    Quando la fotografia non solo è arte ma poesia, La bottega del sale, uno scrigno di emozioni... insieme a Duccio e Renata!!!
  • Duccio picked my fiancé and I up right on time at our farmhouse and we immediately took off to shoot at some of the most stunning places Tuscany has to offer. Duccio was very knowledgable of the history of the area, and told us interesting antidotes along the way. A very professional driver by the way (as many may know, it can be a little dicey driving some of these roads), very smooth sailing to our destinations. His shooting advice was invaluable, for a novice photographer at the time I was very very thankful to be given tips and tricks by a professional like Duccio (if you haven't checked out his work, please do yourself a favor - the use of light in his landscape photography is amazing) After a couple of hours shooting some impressive vistas, Duccio took us to a nice little restaurant (since it was way back in May, the name escapes us!), where he insisted on paying for our lunch. He has a great knowledge of regional wines and local cheeses - all delicious! My fiancé and I spent 22 days on vacation, starting in Spain ( where I proposed! ), then France and ending in Italy - from this trip, I shot about 1400 photos, and I have to say, I wish it started with Duccio's tour because those photos are still my favorite of all of them, and you can see an amazing improvement from there on. Thank you thank you, Duccio! If you have the time, stop by his town, San Gimignano (a truly magical town we unfortunately didn't spend enough time exploring) and check out his store.
  • If you are visiting Tuscany and want to come home with beautiful photos of the area, there is no better way to do it than arrange a photography tour with professional photographer Duccio Nacci. He will act as your personal guide in a tour that combines the Tuscan countryside with photographic opportunities. Duccio is a renowned photographer from San Gimignano where he lives and has a gallery. He will pick you up at your hotel and can offers a day-long "off the beaten track" tour that emphasizes out of the way places and vistas that you would never be able to find without an insider who has been a lifelong resident of the area. He is very engaging and knowledgeable, and you will feel like you have experienced Tuscany in a unique way.
    kpcinc, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Interesting, intelligent and great landscapes. all times again! Wonderful and magical places shown and explained by a professional tuscany photograph. Top!
    Guido B, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
  • We spent most amazing day in Tuscany, with Duccio taking us to beautiful places and showing how to best photograph the landscape, the vista and portraits. He is an excellent photographer with lot of patience to teach! We thoroughly enjoyed sightseeing and photographing Tuscany. Hoping to go back and spend a day with him again! His gallery in the Plazza Duomo in San Gimignano has excellent collection of his varied work.
  • Duccio organizza dei fantastici corsi di fotografia di un giorno o di una settimana. Ad Ottobre ad esempio ce ne sarà uno di una settimana con vitto e alloggio inclusi in spendida villa affrescata con piscina vicino a Siena. Sò che ci sono ancora posti liberi, è un'esperienza unica perchè Duccio è senza dubbio il fotografo in Toscana con più talento. Basta vedere le sue copertine su Traveller r Bell'Italia!
    Silvia G, Italia
  • We have previously reviewed Duccio Nacci's photographic shop and photographs - beautiful (see 7th December 2014). We returned and this time booked a day with Duccio touring and taking photographs in Val d'Orca. The whole day was magical and very instructive. We saw sites which are usually seen only in photographic books and even managed, with Duccio's guidance, to take some glorious photographs (I am a very amateur photographer). Duccio shared his knowledge of Tuscany - it's countryside, people, food and churches as well as his photographic skills. Sally and I cannot imagine a more enjoyable day and hope to return again soon. Highest possible recommendation.
    Alltheharveys, Auckland, Nuova Zelanda